मानवताको अर्थ

म हुँ एक जनता यस देशको, मानव विश्व जगतको
म नै हूँ रे सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्राणि जगमा सारा सृष्टि मध्येको

मेरा खातिर व्रह्मा विष्णुदेवले सारा संसार रचे रे
मेरै खातिर फेरी यहाँ सारा सृष्टिचक्र चल्छन् रे

वहन्छन शितल हावा यहाँ, चिसो जल वग्दछन
फुल्छन हजारौं फुलहरु अनि पन्छीहरु नाच्दछन

लाग्छन कोमल पालुवाहरु, मिठो फल फल्दछन
मेरै ज्योतिका खातिर यहाँ चन्द्रसुर्य उदाउँछन

मेरा जीवनका खातिर यहाँ वेद-पुराण लेखिए
मेरै ज्ञानका खातिर फेरी वाइवल-कुरान रचिए

मेरा मुक्तिका खातिर यहाँ जिसस क्राइष्ट झुण्डिए
मेरै शान्तिका खातिर फेरी यहाँ गौतम वुद्द जन्मिए

लाखौं नेता अनि कार्यकर्ताहरु, मेरै लागि लड्दछन
सयौं हजारौं सहिदहरु पनि यहाँ मेरै लागि मर्दछन

लाखौं सेना र पुलिसहरु ती मेरै लागि खट्दछन
मेरै उद्दारका खातिर यहाँ लाखौं वली चड्दछन

तैपनि मेरा नयनहरुमा आँसु कहिल्यै सुकेनन
मेरा यी सुख्खा अधरहरुमा मुस्कान अझै छाएनन

मेरा खातिर फुल्ने फुलहरु यहाँ बिष वमन गर्दछन
कौइलीहरु पनि हिजो -आज शोक ध्वनी गाउँदछन

कल कल बग्ने नदिहरु यहाँ भेल वाढी ल्याउदछन
सिर सिर वग्ने हावाहरु पनि हुरी वतास ल्याउदछन

मेरा अधिकारका खातिर लड्नेहरु मलाई नै वन्धक वनाउँछन
मेरै खातिर खट्ने रक्षकहरु पनि मलाई नै भक्षण गर्दछन

मेरा खातिर मै लूटिने भए सुरक्षाको अर्थ के ?
मेरै खातिर मै मारिने भए आन्दोलनको अर्थ के ?

पल पल मर्दै बाच्नु परे जीवनको अर्थ के ?
मान्छे कै शत्रु मानव भए मानवताको अर्थ के ?

A Virtual Tour of a Nepalese Village

Basthalabesi is far from modernization, but we have few regrets because we have nature.

"Internet is the window to world." The saying has more meaning in my life while I am in far from family and friends. In the course of employment I am abroad for three years, but with the help of the Internet I am getting updates instantly from my friends and family.

Yesterday I got an opportunity to have an online chat with my brother. He is a teacher in a government secondary school in Thulopakhar-Sindhupalchok, a quite remote but beautiful hilly region of Nepal. It takes about three hours bus travel from my village. Mostly on weekends he visits home.

Yesterday he shared some photos of my village which he had snapped recently. It was really interesting to communicate by sharing photos. I felt as it I was making my own visit of my village. I recalled my past days which I had there.
Mostly I recall my daily activities at bedtime. While recalling that; this story idea arose in my mind. As Ohmy News International has a global readership; many people might be interested to know about another part of the world, so the story of my village could be an interesting story for many viewers. I am taking you on a short virtual tour of my village, Basthalabesi.

Village homes

Basthalabesi is small village situated at the base of the mountain and river called Jhu Khola which ends in Sunkoshi, a famous river of Nepal. It is located in Kharelthok VDC, Kavrepalanchok district, Bagmati zone. It is almost a small valley. It is 55 kilometers east of Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. Bus is the only means to travel. It takes about three hours bus travel from Kathmandu. It is linked by a local road, Araniko Highway, with the capital.

Growing crops and preparing for next season

About four decades ago there were no houses. People used to live in the upper hillside only due to the threat of malaria. But there ware some cattle ranches and farms. People used to come in the morning to work at the farm and feed cattle, and moved back in the evening. Later, after control of malaria was established, they moved down there.

houses at the base of a hill; looks like a resort.

Recently there was rain, so it looks like a very neat and clear environment, but the river is flooded so it does not looks better due to muddy water. The view of farms and trees looks very nice, as if just polished up. The main activity of villagers is farming. Due to the recent rain, there is a busy schedule of work. It is the time to plants seeds. Now many farmers grow different seasonal and off-seasonal vegetables, which are more beneficial in a financial way than rice or corn. But farmers say there still is a difficulty of market and transportation.

Maturing corn

Most of the houses are built in the traditional system and pagoda style. They are made of mud and stone with roofs of mud tile, but nowadays many people use tin. Some of the new construction is made in the modern style also, with brick and cement with concrete roof.

Ongoing construction

With wonderful greeneries and peaceful environment, the village looks like a really beautiful piece of natural Nepal. However with the lack of infrastructure and development, life is still difficult there

Beside the wonderful scene of greeneries and jungle there is a threat of wild animals also. Often some wild animals like tiger, jackals and leopards appear. Many time wild animals had attacked the domestic animals and humans too. There is not such a big jungle where they can stay permanently. It seems they come through the jungle of the riverside from Tarai; the western region of Nepal
My brother informed me that just a few weeks ago a tiger killed two goats of one villager nearby my home. Villagers trace the movement of tiger by its footprint or smell. He adds nowadays he often hears the roar of a tiger at evening or midnight.

Basthalabesi is still quite far from modern infrastructure and development. Due to the problems of the country with political instability and internal conflict, many development processes are postponed. With peace, some development programs are slowly crawling along. The local road is still graveled only, which is linked with Araniko Highway. It is nine kilometers from the village.

It still lacks electricity. Some villagers are using solar systems for light and to operate radio or television. The Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) is planning to supply electricity. It might take two or three more months to provide electricity.

In the sector of communication, CDMA telephone has been made quite easier, but with the lack of electricity it is not easy extended. Villagers who have solar systems or other alternatives like battery can operate CDMA phone there.

There are is one government primary, one secondary school and one private primary school. The secondary school is quite far from the village. It takes more than one hour by foot and not less than half an hour to primary school too. So many villagers send their children to Kathmandu for study. There is no higher secondary school or college.

Most of the students moved to Kathmandu for higher study. In the course of study or after study most of the youths are engaged in some job or their own business in Kathmandu. So they don’t move back to village. Unemployed youths also tried to move into the main cities or abroad because there are no opportunities of job and infrastructures for business or industries. And those who earn a good degree or achieve better financial position settle in big cities and don’t want to go back. As a result there is a very low ratio of young and energetic peoples in the village. This tradition has made a negative impact in the development of the village.

Note: This article is also available on
Ohmy News International

Blue Sky With Crazy Clouds

Light blue sky with crazy clouds
Dancing flowers with murmuring winds
Thrilling wave of wonderful river
Let's go and find the real picture
Canvas of earth and color of nature

Birds invite me with trembling wings
And wind whispers with soft voice
"Let's dance and sing we altogether
The song of nature and its creature"

River ask me with moving waves
"Where are you going with crazy heart?
I am the source of cool and fresh
See! The joy of colorful fish"

Green ground ask me with thrilling grass
"Come-on; sleep in my caring soft arms
I will carry you with wonderful dreams"

Far from cities, far from noise
Dancing birds with colorful eyes
I thank to god for their loving life
And the creation of this beautiful place

It is the place where I entertain,
The warmth of sun and showers of rain
Perfume of flowers and scene of mountain
Dance of butterflies and music of rain

It is the gift of nature and my destination

Note: Check it also on Ohmy News International

Exploring Life on a Canvas

Painting; a combination of colors
That explores the depth of feelings
Painting; a virtual mirror of life
That reflects the picture of life

When I play with color
I couldn’t control my hand
To explore my feelings of mind
Drawing the shape of wordless feeling

I paint the joys of life
Love of heart and smile of lips
Giggle of child and peace of elder
Gurgle of river and beauty of nature

I paint the grief of life
Pain of heart and tears of eyes
Dark of night and silence of dearth
Value of life and truth of death

Painting like clouds in the sky
Pictured as imagination
Painting like foggy morning
Pictured as unclear destination

Painting relieves me
Expressing the depth of heart
Painting inspires me
Exploring the life on a canvas

Note: This poem is also available on Ohmy News International

Colors of Life

Life is a rainbow of color
Colors of joy or pleasure
Colors of grief or peace
Or a painting on canvas

Color reveals the feelings
And the nature of people

Somebody likes red or rose
Somebody likes brown or black
Somebody likes yellow
But I like green and blue
The sign of relief and peace

Some of the color I enjoy
Some of color inspires me
Some of the color relieves me
And some of the color terrifies me

I have found different colors in life
Color of pleasure and color of peace
Color of joy and color of grief


Still there are some colors missing
Because life remains to be discovered.

Note: This poem is also available in Ohmy News International

Death of Dreams

I had lots of sweet dreams,
Dreams of autonomy and sovereignty
Dreams of pleasure and prosperity
Dreams of peace and satisfaction.

It is fun to dream;
Dreams used to give me hopes
And inspiration to work.
Dreams used to give me the way
To reach my destination.

People say:

Dream is a form of desire
Or an outcome of feelings;
It is just imagination.

But I think:

Dream is the sound of the heart
Or it is the willing of the mind.
Dream is a guidance of God
To achieve the ultimate peace.

I searched the world as my dream,
I searched for peace as my dream;
But the world is different from a dream;
It is the place of crowds and noise.

A battlefield of all creatures
Where I must fight to live,
Like a soldier of battle
Always alert and awake,
No rest no peace.

Note: This poem is also available on Ohmy News International.

Wanna Quit Smoking?

“Lack of knowledge means human suffering," is a truism only arguably effective in discouraging smoking. In my lifetime I've probably suggested it to hundreds of people, but most of them were already aware of it. I've seen that most smokers know their habit can cause diseases like cancer, TB, chronic cough, bronchitis, etc., or at the very least that it's injurious to health.

Three years ago I was traveling by bus, and an elderly woman occupied the adjacent seat. She lit a cigarette. From childhood I remember not liking the smell of cigarettes and found it very hard to breath, along with the headaches it caused me. So, for my own benefit as well, I tried to explain the impact of cigarettes on health. Before I'd finished my first sentence she replied, "I know the impact of cigarettes. It may be the cause of TB, cancer and other diseases, but -- what to do -- I can't give it up." Then she drew two or three deep puffs and tossed the cigarette out the window.

A month ago I asked a friend while he was smoking, "You are well aware of the impact of smoking, but even so you smoke -- why?"

"My friend! To know this mystery you have to experience it. Just take two puffs," he answered, handing me the burning cigarette. Even though he was joking, I had no answer.

It would be better to avoid smoking in the first place, but owing to faddism and curiosity people get addicted. Many youth smoke to flaunt their hipness, and when they think it's time to quit, they've gotten addicted and can't.

Many say that once the habit of smoking is formed, it's very difficult to quit and that they can miss a meal but not a cigarette.

I had read news about the relationship of smoking to different beverages in the Radhani Weekly for April 19, 2007. Referring to the Journal of Nicotine and Tobacco Research, the Weekly published the following:
"The research says that, depending on the beverage, the interest in smoking will vary and has shown a negative correlation with dairy items and fruit.

According to the research, 19 percent of participants reported a decreased craving after having milk or other dairy products. Likewise, 14 percent reported that after drinking water or juice or other non-caffeinated products the taste of a cigarette was adversely affected. Sixteen percent reported that after eating fruit cigarettes also tended to lose their taste.

The research also found a positive correlation of smoking with alcohol and caffeinated drinks: 44 percent reported that drinking alcohol enhanced the taste and interest in smoking, and 45 percent reported an improvement in taste after drinking tea, coffee or cola."
I got interested in this research and decided to test it, using my smoker friends' reaction to dairy and fruit items. Two friends agreed to take part by having milk and juice routinely.

Both used to smoke between 10 and 12 cigarettes daily. They began with one glass of milk in the morning, one in the evening and two glasses of juice in the afternoon. I’d advised them to have the milk or juice while smoking. For example, both used to smoke first thing in the morning with black coffee and at night after a meal. From the first day they reduced their smoking morning and night. It was interesting when they said how milk spoiled the taste of cigarettes when they smoked and drank milk at the same time. Then I advised them to have milk whenever they craved a cigarette.

During this trial period one friend completely gave up smoking and the other managed a significant reduction. He used to go through 12 cigarettes a day but now smokes only occasionally while traveling. I feel sure that he, too, will quit altogether soon.

Inspired by these results, I've emailed them to other friends. Now I'm getting positive feedback from them to the effect that they are also able to reduce or quit smoking.

I would like to urge all readers: If you or any friend or relative are addicted to nicotine and sincerely want to quit, why not try out this research technique for yourself? It's easy, and whether it works or not all you can lose is a dangerous habit.

Note: This article is also available on Ohmy News International